
  • Achieve More with Less. Our application was created by a small team and processes millions of data rows daily. It's trusted by some of the world's largest companies.

  • Mature and Reliable. Our solution has been developed over a decade of successful projects, and it's been running in production environments without fail. It scales seamlessly and performs exceptionally well, even in the most demanding scenarios.

  • Proven Technology. Our solution is not just a concept or a dream, it's a reality.

  • Simplified Business Logic. You can write business logic naturally without worrying about database performance and scalability issues. Our solution hits the cache 99% of the time, saving you money on expensive database operations.

  • Efficient Data Access. You can query your cache instead of your database, which is embedded deep within your data access layer, not your business logic. Our solution provides extreme security and performance because everything is cached.

  • Unified Solution. Our solution is a single, unified platform that works with any Sql Server database and any schema. It also allows you to synchronize your database with any other system efficiently, using your own connector.

  • Code Generation Capabilities. Our solution can generate C# code for integrating with NoSQL databases or any other system that requires an object-based schema. It can also generate read and write SQL/stored procedures, including support for paged reads.

  • Remote Data Access. Our solution enables you to bring your Big Data from even the most remote places with spotty connectivity. This way, you can run your AI on a centralized data store without worrying about centralizing data.

We are a Research Company

Our mission is to advance data-driven Software Development by fundamentally reimagining it, leveraging decades of industry experience to transcend current limitations and challenges.

We will achieve this goal by offering reusable, industry-agnostic services and development tools designed with two key goals in mind: simplifying code and providing a robust foundation for all aspects of building data-driven applications. Our aim is to empower developers to focus on building the application rather than the infrastructure behind it.

Our Research focuses on continuous improvement in areas like Caching, Search, Data Access, Multi-threaded Programming, Programming Language Capabilities, Configuration Management, State Handling, and Logging.


Boston, Massachusetts